Adding preparation plans helps you as a teacher organize your lectures and run your classes smoothly, which will positively affect your students’ understanding and, in turn, their outcomes.
To Manage Preparations/Lesson Plans:
- Go to Manage Content from your course.
- Click Add Preparation.
- If you have your course index/tree, just choose the lesson title. If NOT: Type your title in the title field.
- You can align your lesson plan with the curriculum standards by simply choosing from the list. If the list of your subject standards is not available or incorrect you can check it with the system admin.
- Select the subject area.
- Select the standards related to this lesson. Areas & Standards depend on the curriculum aligned to your course. If they are not available, or not related correctly, ask your school admin.
- Fill in the optional areas according to your plan. (You can skip them for later.)
- Type the detailed /high level objectives for your lessons if needed.
- If this preparation is a part of the whole semester plan, select Semester Plan. It will not be published to students.
- Type the core of your lesson plan. You can design it freely by adding tables, Images, etc.
- Type the comments that will be shared with the students in the weekly study plan.
- Type the learning strategies you will follow.
- Publishing dates indicate the actual date of teaching this lesson according to your schedule. This will affect the appearance of the comments in the weekly study plans. You can add different publishing dates to different classes.
- Select classes for each date.
- Click Save.
For more details, check your video tutorial: