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Question Banks

The Question Banks page allows the supervisor to view and add a set of questions into one place to facilitate the process of adding exam/homework questions, thus each subject teacher has a complete question bank for his/her subjects.

To Add a New Question:

1. Click Questions Banks from the main menu.

2. Click Questions from the Actions section next to the QB required to start viewing or adding questions to it.

NoteThe administrator determines the users’ permissions on the question banks, either the permission to view only or to view and add questions.

3. Click the Add new question drop-down button to start adding questions in the bank. There are five types of questions that can be used: (True or False – Multiple Choices – Essay – Content Question – Attachment Question).

4. Several actions can be performed on the questions: (Viewing the question by clicking the eye icon – Editing the question – Deleting the question).

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