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  4. EPortfolios
  5. Adding EPortfolios

Adding EPortfolios

To Add an E-Portfolio :
  1. Type the E-Portfolio title.
  2. Put your brief to be visible to people in the Post box.
  3. Add a cover image from your device to your portfolio.
  4. Add the details using the amazing editor.
  5. Set the date of the portfolio.
  6. Select the type of portfolio. (Homework – Research – Personal Activity – Others)
  7. Select sharing level:
    • Only Me: You are the only one allowed to view this portfolio.
    • My School: All of your school users can view this portfolio.
    • Public: Users from all schools can view this portfolio.
  8. Add the files you want to be related to this portfolio.
  9. Click Add to add the portfolio.
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