After adding your students, it stands to reason to add the teachers next. Teachers’ accounts are only created once and they can be edited throughout the school semesters.
Main Menu >> Users >> Teachers
Teachers Page Contents :
- The Add Teacher button to add teachers’ accounts individually.
- The Teachers Import button to add teachers’ accounts from an Excel file.
- The Teachers Statistics button to view the general statistics about the teachers as well as statistics with interaction with the students.
- The Workload Report button to show teachers’ schedules and timeslots.
- the School Schedule button to view the whole school schedule.
- The More Actions drop-down button to choose one option from its list.
- A table containing all the teachers alongside their data. The Action column in the table is used to view, edit, and delete a teacher.
- The small arrow is to view teacher’s Lectures, Courses, Permissions and to add the teacher’s behaviors.