Administrator Account

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  5. Supervisors


The supervisor account is important for following up and keeping track of the educational process and the learning progress.
Main Menu >> Users >> Supervisors

Supervisors Page Content :
  • The Add Supervisor button to add supervisors individually.
  • The Search fields to search for a specific supervisor.
  • A table of all the school’s supervisors alongside their data.
  • The Action column in the table to view, edit and delete the supervisor, in addition to a small arrow where you can :
    • Manage Lectures to assign specific lectures of teachers to the supervisor chosen to follow up on them.
    • Manage Permissions to add specific roles to the supervisor chosen and select the school where he/she is taking that role.
    • Manage Job Title Settings to add a job title to the supervisor chosen.
    • Manage Behaviors to add a positive or negative behavior to the supervisor chosen.

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