Administrator Account

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  5. Students


The Students page is one of the main user categories on the system. To access the Students page, Click Users >> Students from the main menu.

Students Page Contents :
  • The Students Numbers Report button to show students’ numbers in each stage, level, and section.
  • The Add Student button to add students individually.
  • The Excel Import button to add bulk students from an Excel file.
  • The Advanced Students’ List button to show the detailed students’ information, through which it is possible to verify the missing information that needs to be added.
  • The Update Students Status button to import students’ data and update their status.
  • The More Actions drop-down button that includes more actions to take upon students, such as: (Show Students and Guardians Relation – Add and Update Guardians Accounts – Reset Passwords -…)
  • The Advanced Search fields to facilitate the data search, such as: (Login Status, Correct ID, Blocked Reports, and Status).
    • You can search all schools you have access to at once.
    • You can search all schools in one school group at once.
  • A table of all students with their data:
    • Click the name of any student to view his/her profile.
    • Click the Eye icon from the Action column to view details and actions you can take upon the student.
    • Click the Pen icon to edit any of the student’s data.
    • Click the Trash icon to delete the student.
    • Click the small arrow to view more options.
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