Administrator Account

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Guardians accounts can view all the accounts of the students linked to them. That is why it is important to link them with their kids’ accounts. You can link the student and the parent whenever you are adding any one of them or even after that.
Users >> Guardians

Guardians Page Content :
  1. The Add Guardian button to add guardians individually. 
  2. The Reset Passwords button to reset passwords for all parents’ accounts to the one chosen by the system.
  3. The Guardians Students Link button to link parents to their kids’ accounts.
  4. The Search fields to search for a specific guardian.
  5. A table of all HP Classeasy’s guardians with their data.
  6. An Action column in the table where you can you can view, edit and delete guardians in addition to a small arrow to list more options, such as, Students where you can view the students linked to the parent and unlink them.