The System Settings page is where you can control all your schools’ and users’ settings according to requirements.
System Settings contents:
School Information: The basic element that includes general information about the school.
Contact Information: The primary contact information of the school.
General Settings: The general setting of the school, such as language, students’ gender, and social media accounts which appear in the users public profile.
Two factor authentication
Accounts and Security: You can choose how many active sessions are allowed to log in simultaneously per account.
Registration Settings
Share Content Setting
Chat Settings
Manage Privileges and Permissions
Notifications Templates
Public Library
Schedule Journal
Content Reporting Permissions Settings
Users’ Permissions Settings: It allows users to change their login information.
Graduated Students Settings
Announcement Settings
Lesson Preparation & Weekly Study Plan
Public Profiles Settings
Smart Classes Settings
Absence Settings: Options for absence notifications.
Smart Mate
Discussion Rooms
Students Requests
Report Cards Settings
Messages Settings
SMS Settings
Exam Mode
Exam Privacy Setting
Control Admin
Allow Unit Planning for IB
Tracking Tags
Summer Period
Integration with Education Partners Settings
Allow Payment
Add Partners Products Data
Register Veative School
Enable Education Partners Settings
Canteen Settings
Restrict Login Message
Cpay Settings
Email Verification Code
If you want to edit any option in the System Settings page, click System Settings on the Settings page from the main menu, add your edits, then click Save.
School Information :
Write your school name (Arabic name)
Write your school name (English name)
Write a small brief about your school.
Choose your school location from the drop-down list.
Choose school city from the drop-down list.
Choose your school time zone from the rop-down list.
Turn on/off school status if it's active or deactivate.
School Logo
Review school logo after upload it.
Choose your school logo from the device by clicking on - choose file - or you can drop the logo directly from the device to file place immediately.
Important Note need to be considered before uploading the logo.
School Group :
Link your school to the district.
Contact Information :
General Settings :
Choose school gender from drop down list.
Note : This option is important regarding school certificate.
Turn this option 'on' if the school certified.
Turn this option 'on' if the school want to apply internal ticketing system.
Social Media Accounts :
Accounts and Security :
You can choose how many user can login simultaneous per account.
Note : (0: UNLIMITED)
Registration Settings :
This button to add the terms and conditions regarding admission and registration form ,So guardian will be informed about all registration details and then he can decide to agree them or not to continue registration at school.
This button is optional, allowing the school to determine the ages that are accepted in the school, but it is preferable to specify the ages ,So it will be clear to guardian when registering his son / Daughter in the specific level.
By turning this option 'On' subject supervisors once they review and accept the contract uploaded from teachers side .The contents will be add it directly to public library.
Content Reporting Permissions Settings:
By Turning this Option 'On' Opening the reporting feature by making a report for any inappropriate content was uploaded or sent by any users.
By this option you can determine who is responsible for sending any inappropriate content.
Turn any option you prefer 'On' to allow users to change their security information.
Turn any option you prefer 'On' to allow users to change their security information.
Turn any option you prefer 'On' to allow users to change their security information.
Important option : By turn 'On' all users allow adding faces,
This will let the teacher to monitor the exam using face recognition, But
after admin upload students faces or each student add their picture in his profile.
Graduated Students Settings:
By turn this option 'On' allow graduated students to have access to their account without teacher interfered.
Announcements Settings:
By turn this option 'On' allow the manager to modify the announcements.
Lesson Preparations & Weekly Study Plan:
Hide weekends in weekly study plan by turning this option 'On'.
Select the starting day of weekdays by press on the button.
Select the working days by press on the button.
By turning this option 'On' you are allowing the teacher to link preparations with multiple standards and choose the standard of lesson as he sees what suitable the lesson .
By turning this option 'On' Teacher supervisor approve preparations (lesson plan) before publishing it to students.
Public Profiles Settings:
By turning this option 'On' you are allow the students to use their e-portfolio and upload all their achievements.
By turning this option 'On' Allow students upload e-portfolios without checkup from teachers.
Choose from drop-down list which level the student will share their achievement and attachments.
Smart Classes Settings:
Absence Settings:
Smart Mate:
By turning this option 'On' Allow Smart Mate exams generation.
What is Smart Mate exams?
If the exam questions linked to standard. The student can get an automatic exam of the criteria that he failed with to achieve it and it will not affect the main test mark.
Discussion Rooms:
Students requests:
By turning this option 'On' you are allow the school to user student requests.
What is students requests ?
This option will facilitate the school to systematic student call once leave school by end of the day.
Set beginning duration time for student leave by end of the day.
Set ending duration time for student leave by end of the day.
More system settings:
Insert school GPA.
This option is important if you publish report card from Classera.
By turn this option 'On' student account will be changed to exam mode.
What is exam mode mean ?
It means that student account will focus only in smart classroom and exams ,So only upcoming exams and online classes will appear once you turn this option 'On'.
Check the post below for student account:
By turn this option 'On' teacher account will be focused only on these two style of exam to prevent the teacher distraction through exams.
1. Question By Question
2.Classic Exam
Check the post below for teacher account - create Exam :
By turn this option 'On' teacher can hide exam from school management.
This feature save security during exams and specially final one.
If the school using IB (International Baccalaureate®) you need to turn this option 'On' to benefit for all system feature regarding IB.
This code will be given to school from IB after accreditation. Do you need to add it in the field below.
Why I need this code?
Because this code will appear in the certificate once you publish it.
Turn this option 'On' to active summer period.
Turn this option 'On' to link student with their tag.
There are a number of services associated with the student's tag, which facilitates the educational process by monitoring and attending to absenteeism.