Administrator Account

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Management Reports

The Management Reports page offers different types of reports for you to generate to assist not only the administrator, but also the manager as this page is available in the managers’ accounts. Main Menu >> Reports >> Management Reports

To Generate a Management Report :
  1. Choose the type of the report: ​
    • Schools general report
    • School detailed general report
    • Teachers general report
    • Students general report
    • School group general report
    • Managers general report
    • School Managers Activation report
    • Courses general report
    • Training courses general report
    • Teachers logins report
    • Students logins report
    • Guardians logins report
    • Managers logins report
    • School group detailed report
  2. Choose the school you want to view its report.  
  3. Set the starting date in the Start field.
  4. Set the ending date in the End field.
  5. Click Generate to view your report.
  • You can export the report to Excel.
  • You can view a detailed chart for your report.
  • You can view a detailed chart based on the users’ logging in.