Administrator Account

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  5. Activation Reports

Activation Reports

Reports -> Activation Reports

What is the benefits of activation report ?

-Set goals for schools.
-Measuring the implementation of goals set by students and teachers
-A fair comparison between the schools of the same group.
-High flexibility in determining the period (weekly – monthly – quarterly).

Report output

-Teachers’ achievement periodically.
-Student achievement periodically.
-School achievement based on the average achievement of teachers and students achievements.

Important notes

– Level linked to master level. Click here to check Settings -> Stages Page.

-Courses linked to course categories. Click here to check Courses Management-> Course -> Edit Course.


Step 1 : Add Group

Step 2 : Add Schools

Step 2 : Add Timeslots

Periods -> Add Period

Important note :

-School need to add all reports, So the system can calculate average for all reports.

For example : Add Month 1 , Month 2 , Month 3 reports.

– Date need to be in future.

Step 4 : Activaties Weight

Step 5 : Teachers Activation Criteria

Step 6 : Generate activation report.

After you set all previous steps you can generate the activation report.

Check the picture below :

Important note : Activation Reports calculation takes 24 hours to be done so please wait to get it up to date after you set your settings group

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