Administrator Account

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  5. Trees


A tree is a subject/book’s index. It shows you the course and its areas and lessons in a tree order. Main Menu >> Courses Management >> Trees

To Add a New Tree :
  1. Click the New Tree button.
  2. Add a title for your tree.
  3. Select the tree type.
  4. Select the course template you want to link this tree with.
  5. Select the school(s).
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Your added tree shows in the Trees table where you can view, edit or delete it or click the drop-down list to manage the tree.
To Manage a tree :
  1. Select the area you want to add nodes to it, then click the Tools button.
  2. Type your node name.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Repeat the same steps on each area or node to add lessons till you finish your tree.

Note: Creating a tree is conditioned by having a course template for the full course objectives & standards.