Administrator Account

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  3. Administrator Account
  4. Courses Management
  5. Lectures


After you add stages with levels and sections, teachers, and courses, you can assign each teacher to levels, courses, and sections.

Lectures Page Content :
  • The Add button to add new lectures.
  • The Manage Timeslots button to add timeslots (The period and time of the lecture which in turn creates the school schedule).
  • The Add Bulk Lectures button to add lectures at one time.
  • The Alternative Teacher button to manage the lectures’ alternative teachers.
  • The More Actions button to view more lecture options.
  • A table containing all school lectures. In the Action column, you can :
    • View and edit a lecture. 
    • Manage the lecture’s students.
    • Click the small arrow to view the drop-down list where you can:
      • Assign Timeslots: As an admin, you can assign timeslots for each lecture. This step eliminates the need to create the full schedule, so you can use either this step or create a schedule.
      • Un-assign: You can un-assign the lecture. Be careful before doing this step because each lecture is linked with marks and attachments uploaded from the teachers’ side.

Your video tutorial goes here: