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Class Visits

Using the Class Visits feature, you can visit the teachers’ virtual classrooms and after reviewing their content, you can evaluate their work.

To Browse Class Visits: #

  1. Click Class Visits from the main menu.
  2. Click the Add New Class Visit button to add a new class visit to a teacher.
  3. Click the Copy from Template button to copy a class visit from previously used templates to reuse them more than once.
  4. Use the Search fields to search for a specific class visit by the teacher’s name or the date of the form.
  5. From the Action column in the table, you can :
    • Edit the form
    • Delete the form
    • Evaluate the form
    • Click the small arrow to display the Class Visit Report that can be exported to an Excel file.

  1. Note: If the mark in the Private Visit column is the sign it means the visit is not private,
Evaluating : #
  1. Start evaluating based on items and indicators.
  2. You can write a comment for each item.
  3. You can write a general note.
  4. You can export the form to an Excel file.
  5. Submit your form.