Overview for the advisor main page sections.
(Hover over each number in the picture to view each step)
To view/hide the drop-down menu.
To search for any feature on the adviser home page.
Click to view the drop-down menu that contains all the adviser tools.
The voice command allows you to search for any system tool using your voice.
You can see how many users are online right now.
You can see all the contents statistics in your school.
The absences chart views the weekly absences.
Click on the Mailbox icon to view all received messages.
Click on the notification icon to view all your notifications.
You can click on this icon to switch between different schools.
Note: You would not find any schools under this icon
if the system administrator has not given you a permeation
to move to other schools.
To view your profile settings.
Chat bar where you can choose any user to chat with him/her.